Secure with Cloud

Case Study

Case Study

Case Study on:

CSA STAR Level 2 Certification Readiness Assessment







Name of the Service Provider:



12 Weeks


Cloud Security Assessment


Leading Telecom Corporation

Problem Statement

CSA STAR Certification Readiness

CSA STAR Level 2 Certification Readiness Assessment based on CSA CCM Cloud Security Framework

  • EY was engaged by the client to perform readiness assessment for CSA STAR level 2 silver certification based on CSA CCM Cloud Security Framework.
  • Evaluate appropriateness of the cloud security controls implemented across cloud environment and provide recommendations with an average maturity score for all CSA CCM domains.
Solution Deployed

Readiness Assessment for CSA STAR Level 2 Certification

Conducted CSA STAR-focused interviews, gathered information via CAIQ questionnaires

  • Reviewed existing Cloud Security Architecture, ISMS policies & procedures documents
  • Evaluated current state CCM controls, compared findings to CSA CCM Cloud Security standards, identified strengths and improvement opportunities
  • Collected the artefacts/evidences for concerned domain of CCM from audit perspective and Provided recommendations for all CCM domains that helps the customer to address the issues and achieve CSA STAR Level 2 Certification.

Customer Achieved CSA STAR Level 2 (SILVER) Certification

Improve Average Maturity Score of CCM domains required for CSA STAR certification

  • Delivered High Quality Work this helps the customer to improve average maturity score for all CCM domains and customer achieved the CSA STAR Level 2 (Silver) Certification.


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