Changing India’s Security Culture

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Over the years, India has been acting as an IT hub for many US based companies through a business outsourcing model for the economic advantages like low-priced skilled manpower and lesser infrastructure costs compared to the native US markets. This has worked in India’s favour so far, in terms of creating thousands of job opportunities and bringing in the dollar revenue. So far so good! However, if India still desires to keep this edge over the other competitive markets like Europe and some countries in the Asia Pacific region – e.g. Philippines, there needs to be a paradigm shift in the outlook towards its own internal security aspects.

WhatsApp: Cleartext Sensitive Information

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Do you use WhatsApp? Of course,  you do. Do you think everything such as your contacts or chat messages are encrypted? No. It is not encrypted.   Recently the famous… Read more »

India in IETF

Contributing in IETF : Where to Start?

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In last couple of years, there has been an exponential increase in the contribution from India in IETF, however it is still far from ‘our best effort’. Bharat Joshi, shares his thoughts on India’s role in IETF.

Hyderabad Security Conference 2015

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With issue-oriented sessions, the Hyderabad Security Conference (‪#‎HySeC15‬) is a regional, Industry-leading event in the domain of‪ ‎Security‬. The Third HSC is back, and invites widespread participation from across ‪sectors. Share & refer in relevant networks.